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River City Whitewater Club
Upcoming 2024 events:
May 4-12: Grande Ronde
May 25: Cache Creek
June 1-2: Merced
June 8-9: East Fork Carson

Membership Benefits


RCWC generally runs day or weekend river trips on class II through class IV+ rivers in Northern California such as the Merced, Tuolumne, North and South Forks of the American, North Fork of the Yuba, Upper and Lower Klamath, Upper Sac, and other numerous creeks and rivers. Usually, we also schedule a longer summer trip(s) on rivers throughout the West. Members have the opportunity to bring along guests through a more economical monthly membership rate. We also offer family oriented trips on a few rivers each year.  


We are not a commercial outfitter, and all trip participants share equally in trip costs.  Everyone is expected to help out in some way, from driving the shuttle, to buying group food, to picking up gear at the warehouse.


Benefits of Being a Member:

With RCWC, you can explore wilderness waterways, run exciting whitewater, experience the serenity of the West’s diverse river canyons, and learn how to be a river guide.  Our club members develop life-long friendships as we enjoy our time in a river environment. 


- RCWC offers a variety of trips, from Class II to IV+ rivers.

- A full schedule of activities throughout the entire rafting season

  • The schedule includes day trips, weekend trips, and week-long trips.
  • Members can organize trips that are not on the club schedule.
  • Children are welcome on selected trips (i.e., Class II and some Class III rivers).
  • Each January, we apply for permits on rivers suchs as the Middle Fork Salmon, Selway, Tuolumne, and Rogue

- An emphasis on safe trips

Our club ensures that our trips are as safe as possible, from our put-in safety talks, to high-quality gear, to orgainzing training  in CPR, first aid, and river rescue.  Many of our members have over 20 years of experience in organizing and guiding rafting trips.

- High quality rafting equipment

    Club members cooperatively own all of the boating and camping gear needed for multi-day trips, including:

    • 5 professional quality self-bailing rafts from 10’ to 14’ in size

    • 4 inflatable kayaks

    • Dozens of lifejackets and paddles

    • Boats can be uses as either oar boats or paddle boats     

    Many members also own their own rafts or inflatable kayaks, and support the club by bringing personal gear on trips.


- Rescue and guide training, skills workshops, and sharing of other members’ knowledge

Our guides are expected to take First Aid, CPR, and river rescue training classes.  In addition, we regularly talk about, and practice, rescue scenarios.  Our more experienced guides train newer members to paddle guide and row oar boats, and help them gain more experience on increasingly difficult rivers.  

- Communications through the website ( and frequent e-mails

- Two membership types

  • The Annual Membership is $85 per year (or $65 per year for boat owners).  The annual membership is good for one year from the date of purchase.
  • The Monthly Membership is $20 and is good for one month from date of purchase.  A monthly membership can only be used once each year, and allows people to take a trial trip and for members to bring guests on trips.

- Club liability insurance

The club's liability insurance policy covers the guides and participants on each trip.  Everyone needs to sign a waiver for each trip.