RCWC's schedule for 2025 is below (as of March 6). We anticipate adding additional trips or revising trip dates throughout the season. You'll note that sign-up information is not provided. If you're a current member, you already receive a monthly email with details about each trip and how to sign up. If you're not a current member, go to the "Join RCWC" page for more information.
Of course, trips are dependent upon vehicles which can carry gear, qualified guides, reasonable river flows, etc. To read a descriptions of the run, go to Dreamflows.com.
March 15: South Fork American. This will be an early season “tune-up” trip on the Class III Gorge Run of the South Fork. Cold weather gear, including wetsuits or dry suits, will be required. Children ages 14 years old and up can go, with Trip Leader approval. Both paddlers and passengers welcome!
March 29: Cache Creek Wilderness run. Ron says: “Rapids are mostly Class IIs with two Class IIIs, but requires good boating skills due the brush and strainers. We will be running the Wilderness section from the put-in on the North Fork of Cache Creek at the Highway 20 bridge to the take-out on Highway 16 just below the confluence with Bear Creek. The river canyon features interesting geology with layers of sedimentary rock tilted and folded at all angles and bisected by fault lines. There should be plenty of wildlife, like Bald Eagles and Great Blue Herons. This trip will require an early start and will be a long day, but it is well worth it. Need cold water/cold weather gear.” .
April 6: South Fork American. Another tune-up trip on the Class III South Fork. Cold weather gear, including wetsuits or dry suits, will be required. .
April 12: North Fork American The North Fork is a beautiful Class IV canyon on a free flowing river. Experienced boaters with cold water gear.
Multi-day on-river trip! April 20-24/25 (+drive): Eel River or John Day River or Owyhee River.
First choice is the Eel River from Dos Rios to Alderpoint, 47 miles, Class II-III. We ran this in 2019. Five days including a layover at the confluence with the North Fork to do a side hike. Load gear on Saturday April 19 and drive to the Mendocino Redwoods RV Resort and campground near Willets. Put-in April 20, takeout April 24 and drive home. Information can be found at https://cacreeks.com/eel-main.htm.
Second choice is the John Day River in central Oregon from Service Creek to Clarno, 48 miles, Class I. We ran this in 2022. Five days including a layover to do a side hike. Load gear Friday April 18 or early Saturday April 19 and drive to Mitchell, about 9 hrs, where there is lodging and a great brewpub/restaurant. Put-in April 20, takeout April 24 and drive to Bend, then home April 25. Information can be found at https://www.americanwhitewater.org/content/River/view/river-detail/1518/main. This was a flat but very scenic run. The day hike up to the top of the ridge was lovely.
Third choice is the Owyhee in southeast Oregon from Rome to Birch Creek, 49 miles, Class II-III. We ran this in 2016. Due to the arid nature of the watershed, this river often has a small and variable window when it's runnable and is hard to count on when planning for a specific week. Six days on-river. Load gear either Friday April 18 or early Saturday April 19 and drive to a BLM campsite in Rome. Raft April 20-25 and drive to Winnemucca from takeout, then home April 26. Information can be found at https://cacreeks.com/owyhee.htm.
May 3-4: Tentative Swiftwater Rescue Class.
May 10-11: Upper Sacramento. Class III+-IV. Narrow river canyon, fast moving water, lots of rapids. We will limit the number of boats each day, so all guides should be prepared and willing to rotate. Car camping next to the river. Cold water/cold weather gear required.
May 17: East Fork Carson. Class II+ river near Markleeville, extending 20 miles from California snow-capped mountains to Nevada’s sage-covered high plains. This is a one-day trip, stopping at the hot springs for lunch. We’ll pay to have our vehicles shuttled to take-out. There’s an option to camp along the river before or after the trip.
May 24-25-26: Merced River. Class IV river with camping at reserved campsites across from the river (Red Bud area). Arrive Friday night, raft Saturday and Sunday, dinner in Yosemite Valley on Sunday night, drive home Monday morning. We will limit the number of boats each day, so all guides should be prepared and willing to rotate. Preference given to Class IV guides and those with vehicles that can haul gear.
May 31: Cache Creek Rumsey Run. Class II+ for IKs and small boats.
June 7: Tiger Creek section of North Fork Mokelumne. This is an excellent Class IV run with lots of rapids. 3 miles long, short shuttle, plan 2 or 3 runs (optional). It starts with a fun, long class 4. Many class 3’s, a few class 4’s in between, read and run. It ends with a wonderful class 4 bang! 10' - 12' boats ideal. Very sporty for an IK, ask Sean for approval.
June 14-15: Trinity. Class III Pigeon Point section; camping at reserved campground near the river. Summer flows should be good for smaller oar boats, paddle rafts, IKs and hardshells. Full day of rafting on Saturday and options for a shorter day on Sunday. Sign up no later than Friday June 6. Due to camping restrictions, there will be a limit on participants.
Multi-day on-river trip! June 14-21/22 with alternate date of June 21-28/29 (includes drive time). Middle Flathead, Shafer Meadow wilderness; plus Beartrap Canyon, Montana. Two Class IV rivers in Montana, near Glacier NP. The Middle Flathead is an amazing wilderness run with gin-clear water. 4 days on water. Two short class 4 sections. Bears, eagles, world class fishing, gorgeous hikes. This is a medium lightweight trip (good food, but minimal gear). Beartrap Canyon is on the Madison River. It’s a one day Class 4 run in a remote, roadless canyon, phenomenal. Logistics: 2 day drive to Kalispell, Montana. Stay in a hotel 2nd night, then an early bush flight to Shafer Meadow. 1/4 mile flat walk to put in. 4 days on M. Flathead. 1 day Madison. 1 day drive home. 8-9 days total away from home.
June 21: Lower Middle Fork American. Family-friendly trip on this Class II section. Small rafts and IKs.
Multi-day on-river trip! July 2-5: Lower Klamath (Drive July 1 and July 5/6). Four-day, three-night trip from Sarah Totten campground to Persido, a total of 61 river miles. We’ll pack up all gear on the rafts and find nice camp spots each night. The river is mostly Class II with one Class III (Rattlesnake) and one Class IV (Dragon’s Tooth). This is a family friendly trip; water-savvy kids as young as 5 years old are welcome, with approval of the trip leader. Kids and their parents can choose to walk around Rattlesnake but will be required to walk around Dragon’s Tooth. Sign up no later than May 31. Preference given to those who can guide boats, offer to help with the group food buy, or have vehicles that can haul group gear.
July 19: South Fork American. Class III. Stew's annual Boy Scout trip on the Gorge section of the river. Club members are welcome to come along in private boats or use any club boat that’s available.
July 26: Cache Creek, Rumsey. Perfect for a hot summer day. Class II+ for IKs and small boats.
August 2: Mokelumne River. Electra run. Class II section for IKs and small rafts.
Multi-day on-river trip! August 4-8 +drive: Deschutes River below Bend, Oregon. Five days, four nights of floating through a basalt canyon and camping along the river. Class II-III rapids with one Class IV. Limit of 16 people. Must sign up by June 1 so we can obtain the permit. More info at https://www.nwrafting.com/river-descriptions/rafting-the-deschutes-river
September 13: South Fork American. We’ll raft the Chili Bar run and then practice rescue skills in Coloma Lake. Class III for rafts and IKs.
First or second weekend of October: Pit River. Class IV, for small boats. This river is only runnable a few days a year, when the power company releases enough water for boaters.
Multi-day on-river trip! After October 15: Rogue River Lodge trip, Oregon. Class III. Three day, two night trip. Stay at Black Bar Lodge the first night, and at Paradise Lodge the second night. The lodges provide food and a warm bed! Stew has offered to be the Assistant Trip Leader, but a Trip Leader is needed. Actual trip dates to be determined based on when Black Bar has availability.
November 2 (Sunday): Workday at the warehouse.